Siena Merlin Moraff Home
Titus Andronicus | photo by Nile Scott Shots
Mizu no Eki / The Water Station
Titus Andronicus | photo by Nile Scott Shots

Based in Chicago and Los Angeles, Siena's recent credits include the fiend in horror short Swipe Fiend and a principal role in an upcoming feature created by Laurence and Brian Avent-Bradley. They appreciate physically demanding creature roles such as Ariel from The Tempest, troubled, scrappy characters like Downcast Mary from Fugitive Pieces, zany, off-beat supporting roles like the Hypnotist in The Gap, and emotionally haunted roles like Helen from Machinal.

Siena studied theater at UMass Amherst and was the '20-'21 producer of Community Play Read. Before college, Siena studied theater and worked as scenic design overhire with Actors' Shakespeare Project's education program, and did a lot of theater in backyards and living rooms.

toy piano ยท Siena Merlin Moraff - Character Reel


Swipe Fiend / Adorable Damage prod.
Mizu no Eki / The Water Station